Largest REDEMPTION CCG Card Game Lot in WORLD & Collector’s Ed 1100+ Total Cards

This is a Very Good ++ Condition Largest REDEMPTION CCG Trading Card Game Lot in the WORLD (at time of first listing), with 1100+ Total Cards that includes a sealed double deck 2005 Collector’s Edition, 4 1995 Sealed Starter Packs, 2 Opened Starter Packs, 2 HUGE Stocked with Rares Battle Decks in Plastic Boxes, and Hundreds of Cards Opened from Regular and Prophets Expansion Packs, a complete 1995 listing of all cards and two sets of 1995 FAQ sheets. I even have a bunch of opened and unopened Prophets II Expansion packs somewhere that I will find and include in this sale. International First Class is the least expensive, but also is the least dependable. In contrast, I have been able to insure First Class Parcels to both Argentina and Switzerland. I do not personally insure anything. Add a map to your own listings.

Category: largest